Feb 22, 2011

Fresh Love

Sometimes we give gifts, write a note, call or spend some extra time together. We find ways to say, “You are important to me”. And it feels good to express it. In February we hear much about love. Valentine’s Day love sentiments are all around. Yet God calls us to love in a practical way every day and to pour that love on those around us.
Cultivate fresh love in your own heart today, as an offering to God, and determine to abstain from criticizing. You just might break a bad habit in the process.
Determine to find the things to be thankful for daily. Thankfulness is a tonic that will refresh your day. Offer it to God even as the sacrifice it will, at times, be.
Give up complaining. Bite your tongue when you are tempted to grumble and find something to give thanksgiving for instead.
Cease from judging others and offer grace instead. Remember, judgment is simply seeing yourself as superior. Stop it in its tracks.
Put others first. Abstain from the selfishness that dresses itself in many disguises.
Ask God to show you what you can do to refresh your love and appreciation for Jesus as you remember …
• He is the well from which you can draw living water that refreshes your heart.
• He is the strength you find in the middle of your weakness.
• He is the peace that blankets your heart when anxiety wants to swallow you.
• He offers everything you need for life and for godliness as you seek to please Him with your life.

Father God, thank you for Your lavish love for me. Help me today to be thankful, to pour out Your grace to those around me and to zip my lip when I am tempted to criticize or complain. You are all I need today and I love You. Flow Your love through me to those around me. In Jesus’ name I pray, amen.

From: Christian Women Today Devotional 

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